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Our Photos are posted on the internet as a convenience to our Customers. All Photographs on any TF Event Photography website are the property of TF Event Photography. They are protected by copyright laws and the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Taking, Copying, Printing, or Reproducing them in any way is strictly forbidden. This includes Facebook, MySpace, Sale web sites Flyers or any private use. We post these photos on the internet for you to view and share them with family and friends and possibly purchase them. ###### SCREEN SHOTS ARE TAKING AND USING OUR PHOTOS WITHOUT OUR PERMISSION AND YOU WILL BE BILLED ACCORDINGLY WHEN THEY ARE FOUND ON YOUR INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK, OR USED OR REPRODUCED IN ANY WAY. ###### If you wish to order digital copies, collages, or anything not on the website, or you have any questions about the order please contact us through the contact us link before ordering. There is a cancellation fee if we have to cancel the order for any reason.

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